
Tower Scholar 妮娅·卡马乌,22岁 in Washington, D.C.

Tower Scholar 妮娅·卡马乌,22岁 spent the summer in Washington, D.C.,在那里 she interned with a nonprofit, studied economics and public policy and learned from innovative leaders helping trafficked and exploited people 社区得以恢复和繁荣. n Kamau一 double major in human rights and international studies, talks about how those experiences inspire “thinking outside the box about solutions targeting the developing world” in this SMU Tower Center 博客.

Through the Hatton Sumners Fellowship, I traveled to Washington, D.C., 今年夏天和实习 市场项目 (TMP),一个非政府组织 that supports the economic empowerment and trauma healing processes of victims of exploitation and trafficking. 作为通信和 发展 intern, I produced TMP’s 2020 annual report, two grant applications and six months of social media content. 研究这些 different projects allowed me to develop various skills. 例如, TMP’s mission overlaps with several communities, from the business community to the 发展 and policy communities, which each use 具体的定义和世界观. 在处理各种消息传递时 projects我明白了 how to bring these different worlds together using 有效的沟通策略. 从我的 新大研究经历 with Voices of SMU, I conducted interviews with our local leaders in Uganda and wrote six stories for the communications team. TMP也 provided me with experience navigating the complexities of expanding a 年轻的非政府组织. I specifically worked with TMP’s executive director to initiate 与20所大学的关系.

妮娅·卡马乌,22岁 (second from left) enjoys downtime with other summer 实习生.

In addition to these tasks focused on operating a nonprofit, 我也 learned how to manage an international, community-focused business. TMP founded a business in Northern Uganda, an area decimated by years of civil 战争. The business intentionally employs survivors of trafficking, child 士兵和弱势青年. I interacted multiple times a week with the Ugandan managers and employees over Zoom. 这段经历令人难以置信 valuable because even though I was based in Washington, D.C.我明白了 how to navigate intercultural leadership and communication through these 普通电话. 我也 learned how to manage a business focused on empowering its employees and community, rather than only creating profit.


One of the most transformative parts of my 实习生hip with The Market Project was working directly with Executive Director Dorothy 塔夫脱. 塔夫脱 intentionally mentored me and drew from her own experience of 17 years as a Congressional chief of staff and as a director for the U.S. 机构 International Development (USAID) to encourage my interests in 政策的制定. We discussed topics such as what it was like to be a foreign policy leader on the Hill during the Rwandan genocide. 她提出 practical advice on maintaining mental and emotional resilience in the 人权领域. Learning from her life experiences has equipped me to feel more prepared to handle the trials and complexities of international 人权工作.

In addition to 市场项目, I was also involved in an intern program called The Fund for American Studies (TFAS). 我花了两个夏天 classes through George Mason University and TFAS, one on economics and public policy and the other on the history of U.S. 外交政策. 这些 classes helped provide an intellectual foundation and historical understanding for my hands-on work with 市场项目. 我也 attended TFAS-organized career information sessions,在那里 I met with USAID foreign service officers, United States Institute of Peace staff and a director for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. 在 end of the summer, I was honored to be one of the student speakers at the tas闭幕典礼.

妮娅·卡马乌,22岁 in the Library of Congress.

One of my biggest takeaways from this 实习生hip class and networking experiences was how to analyze different theories of social change and the philosophies and assumptions behind them. TMP采用了一种独特的方法 发展. Their theory of change is that work gives people purpose, community, and financial security; therefore, having a healthy workspace is a necessary component of healing for survivors of trauma. 他们专注于 creating business structures that can support a large number of employees 并满足当地市场的需求. This approach is different from other economic 发展 strategies that focus on small businesses, microloans and teaching specific trades such as hairdressing and carpentry. 我的时间 with TMP encouraged me to follow their example in “thinking outside the box about solutions targeting the developing world.”

I am so grateful for the support of the Tower Center and the Hatton Sumners Foundation for making this experience possible.