History of SMU Residential Life


我们的野马历史不断展开,我们远未完成. SMU's first president, Dr. Hyer was asked, 达拉斯大厅是新大校园里的第一座建筑, "When will the university be completed, Dr. Hyer?" "After the city of Dallas is completed," he replied. 我们的故事继续,但我们总结了新大住宿生活的主要发展.

Ariel photograph of the SMU campus circa 1968Southern Methodist University (SMU) has 自1911年成立以来,一直支持学生的住宿生活. 这一承诺在妇女大楼(后来的阿特金斯大厅)的开幕时得到了体现。, 它建于1912年,是新大开放时标志性的达拉斯大厅的配套建筑. 在1959年作为宿舍退休之前,阿特金斯大厅多年来一直是男女在校生活的场所. Following Atkins Hall’s retirement, 该建筑被改建为学术和行政设施,克莱门茨大厅, where students continue to take classes today.

Since those early years, 1926年至1964年间,共建造了18座永久宿舍, housing around 2,500 students. How these halls are used has evolved over the years. From 1920 to 2013, 新大采用传统的校内住宿方式,近年来主要为一年级学生提供住宿. 随着时间的推移,住宅建筑被重新用于学术功能. 到那时,公共住宅的概念进入了人们的视野, SMU could house a little over 1,500名学生住在传统宿舍或有限数量的主题社区, including Honors, Engineering, Fine Arts, and Service housing.

Around 2006, senior campus leaders, including President R. Gerald Turner, Vice President for Student Affairs Lori White, and Provost Paul Ludden, sought solutions to a variety of campus issues that, if addressed, 能提高学生的保留率,改善学生在山顶学校的整体体验吗. Various task force recommendations were put forward to address substance abuse, retention, honors programming, on-campus housing, the first-year experience, the development of a sense of community, 以及整合大学的学术和社会元素的愿望.

在决定实施住宅公地制度之前, 新大的领导们一致认为,新大住宿体验的巨大变化将对改善威尼斯人娱乐城产生重大影响. 新大学生杰米·辛茨在谈到转向RC系统的理由时说:“...on the most general level, . . . 在这所大学的历史上,文化需要转变. 这种文化转变将涉及两个独立但密切相关的方面:社会和学术. Changes in either dimension will affect the other.”

A group of students, called the Residential Commons Leadership Corps, 是新大最初的11个公共住宅项目的基础和框架. 关于新大实施和过渡到住宅公地制度的过程的进一步信息详见 南威尼斯人娱乐城住宅公地的发展:一项民族志研究.

SMU’s integrated campus housing follows a residential college model and is a distinctive feature of the University. 新大为学生设计了住宅公共场所,以整合他们的学术, residential, and social experience and, subsequently, cultivate a sense of belonging to the University. 而住宅共用区是其核心的住房系统, 自2014年成立以来,他们真正接受了新大的体验.

实施住宅共享制度的决定不仅对新大来说是新颖的,而且对全国高等教育行业来说也是新颖的. 新加坡管理大学在其同行高等教育机构中享有盛誉 all-in approach to implementing the residential college model. Normally, the conversion to a residential college model is a slow, gradual process, 但这要归功于新大社区的慷慨捐助和大学领导层的深刻承诺, 整个第一年和第二年的住宿体验在一个夏天的过程中发生了变化. In the years since, 希望在自己的校园内实施住宿学院模式的机构继续与新大进行磋商.

完成向新住宅公地制度的转型, 实施了一些重大的物理和组织变革. First, an unprecedented financial investment was made by the University following substantial contributions by SMU donors, 建设5栋新住宅楼,改造8栋现有住宅楼,创建11个新社区. Additionally, 新的两年住校要求是为了强调新大住校经历的重要性. Finally, 通过创造更密切的互动和社区建设的途径,创建了一个住宿教师计划,将新大的教师直接与住宿学生联系起来.

In academic year 2019–2020, 标志着新大5年的公共住宅项目的结束, 对住宅共用模式的哲学使命进行了彻底的审查. This resulted in 新大通过了住宅共用地的精细化定义和支柱.

fir video

RCD video

Student video

Record of Service

We know that the people make the place. Often, 居住公地的前居民有兴趣联系他们在山顶居住期间与他们一起生活的前居住教师. 我们保存这个历史服务记录是为了方便维护这些终身的联系. 

Armstrong Commons:

  • Willie Baronet, 2020-present
  • Rita Kirk, 2014-2020

Boaz Commons:

  • Jack Levison, 2021-present
  • David Son, 2014-2021

Cockrell-McIntosh Commons:

  • María del Pilar Melgarejo, 2023-present
  • Sandra Duhe’, 2018-2023
  • Beth Wheaton, 2014-2018

Crum Commons:

  • Leanne Ketterlin Geller, 2020-present
  • Martin Camp, 2014-2020

Kathy Crow Commons:

  • Daniele Forlino, 2021-present 
  • Keith Robinson, 2018-2021
  • Will Power, 2014-2018

Loyd Commons:

  • Justin Germain, 2023-present
  • Alice Kendrick, 2016-2023
  • Mark Fontenot*, 2014-2016

McElvaney Commons:

  • Ashley Stone, 2022-present
  • Jim Hart, 2019-2022
  • Mira Detcheva, 2014-2019

MHPS Commons: 

  • Alberto Pastor, 2021-present
  • Lilijana Elverskog, 2016-2021
  • Robert Krout*, 2013-2016

Morrison-McGinnis Commons:

  • Deb Branch, 2020-present
  • Mark Kerins, 2014-2020

Ware Commons:

  • Andy Graybill, 2019-present
  • Tom Tunks, 2014-2019

Virginia-Snider Commons: 

  • Carol Dickson-Carr, 2021-present
  • Ann Batenburg, 2014-2021

*罗伯特•克劳特(Robert Krout)在RC全面推出前一年搬进来并开始了他的任期

**Mark Fontenot在2014年之前担任Cockrell-McIntosh的驻校教师

We know that the people make the place. Often, 住宅公地的前居民有兴趣联系他们在山顶居住期间与他们一起生活的前住宅社区主任. 我们保存这个历史服务记录是为了方便维护这些终身的联系.

Armstrong Commons:

  • Molly Brooks, 2022-present
  • Lauren Anne Cove, 2014-2022

Boaz Commons:

  • Lauren Eisenschenk, 2023-present 
  • Liv Johnson, 2022-2023
  • Madison Mucci-Ferris, 2016-2021
  • Cassie Luke, 2015-2016
  • Kate Bell(-Miller), 2014-2015

Cockrell-McIntosh Commons:

  • Dylynne Dodson, 2022-present
  • Kurtis Hawn, 2021-2022
  • Sarah Ballman, 2017-2021
  • Jon Hess, 2014-2017

Crum Commons:

  • Maddie Steele, 2023-present
  • Lucas Watson, 2022-2023
  • Samantha Glasford, 2021-2022
  • Emily Kilburg, 2018-2021
  • Sam Gavic, 2014-2018

Kathy Crow Commons:

  • Macon Stockholm, 2020-present
  • Mayra Salinas, 2017-2020
  • Tiffany Richardson, 2014-2017

Loyd Commons:

  • CJ Schufford, 2019-present
  • Ty Krueger, 2014-2019

McElvaney Commons:

  • Greelie Bauman, 2024-present
  • Maya Reeves, 2017-2024
  • Bethany Martindale, 2015-2017
  • Jerry Staples, 2014-2015

MHPS Commons: 

  • Roman Peterson, 2022-present
  • Nate Faust, 2019-2022
  • Rena Gore, 2016-2019
  • Krystal Owens, 2014-2016

Morrison-McGinnis Commons:

  • Elizabeth Turner, 2024-present
  • Rylie Ackley, 2022-2024
  • Jessica Borne, 2021-2022
  • Nick Blair, 2018-2021
  • Katie Little, 2015-2018
  • Liz Rader, 2014-2015

Ware Commons:

  • Mal Williams, 2022-present
  • Maria Schoppa, 2017-2022
  • Charlotte McCloud, 2014-2017

Virginia-Snider Commons: 

  • Ryan Nelson, 2024-present
  • Samuel Moore, 2022-2023
  • Alexander Rentz, 2019-2022
  • Trevor Sutton, 2016-2019
  • Michelle Madsen, 2014-2016